irssi 실행 /connect 7778 /quote pass suapapa:password:hanirc

vi /etc/default/bip 편집
/etc/init.d/bip restart
$ bipmkpw

설정파일 편집

ip = "";
port = 7778;
client_side_ssl = false;
log_level = 3;
log_root = "/var/log/bip/";
#backlog = true;                # enable backlog
backlog_lines = 10;             # number of lines in backlog, 0 means no limit
backlog_always = true;          # backlog even lines already backlogged
# Network definition, a name and server info
network {
        name = "hanirc";
        server { host = ""; port = 8080; };
network {
        name = "ozing";
        server { host = ""; port = 8080; };
user {
        name = "suapapa";
        password = "04ea4e96fce99e9fc7499c8cb23490aa7a7a9740";
        ssl_check_mode = "none";
        # These will be the default for each connections
        default_nick = "suapapa_bip";
        default_user = "bip";
        default_realname = "suapapa on bip";
        connection {
                name = "hanirc";                # used by bip only
                network = "hanirc";     # which ircnet to connect to
                # Autojoined channels:
                channel { name = "#soojung"; };
                channel { name = "#gimp"; };
                channel { name = "#parkoz"; };
                channel { name = "#perky"; };
                channel { name = "#vim"; };
                channel { name = "#ubuntu"; };
                channel { name = "#gnome"; };


root@suapa-srv:/var/log/bip# tree
|-- bip.log
`-- suapapa
    `-- hanirc
        `-- 2009-11
            |-- #gimp.11.log
            |-- #gnome.11.log
            |-- #parkoz.11.log
            |-- #perky.11.log
            |-- #soojung.11.log
            |-- #suapapa.11.log
            |-- #ubuntu.11.log
            |-- #vim.11.log
            `-- privates.11.log