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소비자 주도 시장에서 마케팅의 역확 변경

인터넷에서 가장 유명한 사이트 중 하나인 트위터가 광고 트래픽에 과금을 하기 시작했다는 것은 놀랄 일도 아니다. 그럼 왜 이것이 뉴스 거리인가? 트위터의 광고 모델이 현재 마케팅에서 일어나는 거대한 변화의 전형이기 때문일 것이다. 오늘날의 고도로 연결된(hyper-connected) 세상에서, 광고주의 영향력과 제어력은 예전에 비해 감소되었으며, 소비자들이 이 힘을 가지게 되었다.

판촉 트윗을 통해, 광고주들은 백만 트위터 사용자들 모두를 타겟으로 삼을 수 있다. Through Promoted Tweets, advertisers will be able to target any of the millions of Twitter users that conduct a search relevant to their products and services (예를 들면, 구글의 방식 처럼 커피를 찾아보는 사용자들에게 스타벅스의 판촉 트윗을 검색 결과로 보여주는 것). However, it's not just about getting the message of the promoter out; these Tweets need to be useful to the visitor, and if they are not, they will stop being shown.

This is the Marketing 2.0 model; in all communications, companies need to engage and address the needs and interests of the consumer or risk losing credibility and quickly becoming irrelevant. Marketing is less about generating one-to-many discussions, in the form of advertisements or press releases, and more about creating an ongoing dialogue with customers. This is because success hinges on being able to develop a productive relationship with the consumer that allows companies to stay on top of customer preferences and concerns to understand how best deliver on evolving requirements.

고객'에게' 이야기 하는것이 아니라 고객과 '함께' 이야기 하는 것

이제는 심사숙고하여 결정한 여러분의 메세지를, 광고 영역이나 라디오 또는 TV의 시간을 사는 것으로 충분히 많은 수의 청중이 득게 될 것이라고 생각할 수 없게 되었다. 오늘날 청중들은 흩어져 있으며, 그들의 방식을 통해 여려분의 메세지를 듣기를 원한다. 여려분은 고객들이 어디서 시간을 보내는지 알아내야 한다. 어쩌면 고객은, 하루에 5백 5십만 포스트가 업데이트 되고, 일주일에 3천 5백만 개의 컨텐츠들이 공유되는 페이스북에 있을 수도 있다. 혹은 텍스트 메세지를 전송하기 위해 폰을 사용하고 있을 수도 있다. 블랙베리에 따르면 미국에서만 매일 2천 5백만 개의 텍스트 메세지가 보내진다고 한다.

다음으로, 청중이 어떤 방법을 통해 정기적으로 여러분의 이야기를 듣고 싶어하는지 결정해야 한다. 청중이 여러분에게 찾아올 수도 있다. 백악관 웹사이트에 “질문하기” 섹션이 새로 열리자 48시간 만에 9만 3천명 이상이 질문을 올린 것과 같은 경우이다. 혹은, 앞서 언급한 판촉 트윗처럼 그들의 일반적인 활동 안에 여러분의 정보를 포함하기 원할 수도 있다.

주력할 커뮤니케이션 채널을 노르는 것과 별개로, 중요한 것은 말하기만 하는 것이 아니라 듣는 것이다. 문제가 있는 사람들을 인정하고 그들로 부터 배워라. 이것이 Comcast(옮긴이 주: 미국의 케이블 업체)의 고객 지원 부서 대표인 프랭크 에리슨(Frank Eliason)은 이 사용한 방법이다. 그는 많은 Comcast의 고객들이 If people have problems, acknowledge and learn from them. That's what Frank Eliason, a customer service representative for Comcast, did. He saw that many Comcast customers were on Twitter posting their frustrations, so he decided to reach out to them with a simple question “How can I help you?” He then responded to each and every Tweet he received and tried to resolve their issue. He now has close to 42,000 people who follow him and has become one of the go-to resources for Comcast customers looking for help.

It's not a CAMPAIGN but a CONTINUUM.

The Eliason example highlights another important point; marketing shouldn't be about the latest buzzword or trend, but rather about how you live the brand promise in each and everything you do. It's about creating an ongoing relationship with the consumer, and every communication and touch point with the consumer is an opportunity to further develop that relationship. Ever get frustrated when you call customer service, punch in some information and then get asked for that exact same information when someone comes on the call? Or maybe you are one of the more than twenty percent of people who stopped their online purchase because of a lack of company information. These are marketing issues and opportunities.

Look at everything you do, all the intersections you have with consumers and determine how you can enhance the experience and provide additional value to the customer. Financial institutions have found the loyal customer is the one they can help with their overall finances. It's about creating a relationship with the customer that supports them in all their financial planning and decisions, regardless of whether there is an immediate transaction or profit to be made; customers who use an institution's tools to track their spending habits, pay their bills, create a budget, and manage their debt are much less likely to switch banks and will ultimately do a lot more business with them long term.

This is critical, since consumers are going to be turning to a lot of different voices to get their information on you in this digital age. An ecommerce survey by Squidoo found that more than 70 percent of customers looked at online reviews before buying. Intuit revealed that out of every ten sales, eight are due to word of mouth. The lesson is to ensure that you are consistently delivering value to everyone because you never know who or where that critical influence will be.

United Airlines learned the hard way how, in this digital information age, the impact of each and every consumer can be amplified. When Dave Carroll's Taylor guitar was damaged during a flight and United refused to reimburse him ($1200) to get it fixed, he wrote and sang a catchy song about the incident that he posted on YouTube. Within eight months, more than 8 million people had seen the humorous video, with “pass the buck” and “don't ask me” phrases attributed to their customer service, along with the refrain “다른 비행사를 타거나 차를 타고 갈 걸 그랬어. 왜냐하면 유나이티드 항공은 기타를 부수니까.” What do you think 300 media interviews, a Top 10 viral video, and a Harvard Business Review Case Study cost their brand? I would venture it's more than $1200.

There's no such thing as CONTROL.

여러 회사들이 하는 치명적인 실수는 그들이 각각의 모든 소통을 제어하는 망상에 사로잡히는 것이다. 다시 말해 회사는 고객과 진정한 관계로 발전할 수 없다. 고용자들은 ,유나이티드 항공이 화물에 대해 하 것과 같이, 정해진 가이드라인과 정책을 따르기 때문에 상호작용의 내용까지 고려하지는 못하며, 고객의 특별한 요구에 맞는 특벽한 해결책을 제시하지 못한다. 따라서 가치를 전달하는 능력이 상당히 감소되게 된다.

The reality is that gone are the days when formal statements and copy that's reviewed by legal can be the voice of a company. Customers are dubious of “spin,” they are suspicious of anything that looks contrived or too “corporate;” they want transparent and genuine. Going back to Eliason, when he reaches out to customers, it is not formal or rehearsed. He is not working off a script. You can tell he truly cares and that makes people want to listen to him and work with him, even when he can't actually solve their problem.

Customers want to know you are aware of issues and actively working to solve them. Just as in all relationships, there's the good and the bad. Companies that are open and honest about their problems have earned the trust of their customers and they are rewarded with their pocketbooks. Just look at Nike or Wal-Mart; they have both been able to successfully recover from issues within their operations (supply chain and human resource-related, respectively), in large part because of their willingness to openly address them with the consumer. 고객들은 회사가 문제에 관심이 있는지와 문제를 해결하기 위해 진행중인 내용을 알고 싶어한다. 모든 관계들 처럼 여기에도 좋은 점과 나쁜 점이 있따.

But it's important to understand this relinquishment of a perfect façade and control may manifest in surprising ways. For example, some hospitals are letting their patients read the notes their doctors write about them during exams - of course, there's the worry that patients might react badly to a statement that points out they are “slightly obese” or “appears stressed,” however, it's a step towards a more transparent relationship. The initial reaction has been positive; patients say it takes some of the fear out of the process (you no longer have to worry about what the doctor knows that you don't), often confirms what the patient already knew, and ensures they have all the information they need to make better decisions about their health.

Businesses that can look across their extended operations and open themselves up to communications that are real and not always comfortable can build trust with customers. Those companies that can relinquish control and instill confidence in their employees to represent them well will be able to engage consumers in authentic, ongoing dialogues that will build the relationships that pivotal for the success of companies in this consumer driven world.


  • comcast cares,
  • consumer-driven,
  • facebook,
  • network,
  • twitter,
  • united


temp_tr.1275821997.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/08/03 05:04 (external edit)